wtorek, 25 grudnia 2012

I must have been good last year

and this is what I found under Christmas Tree:

It unfolds and then: tadaaa!!!

My little elf has taken very exact measurements before secretly submitting it to Santa's Manufactorum. It has room for all my painting gear and some tools. Tweezers and sanding file will fit there as well.

Now, instead of painting, I will be just folding and unfolding this little gem :)

niedziela, 23 grudnia 2012


Between cleaning up the house and making dumplings I got some hobby time.
This time orks will need to show some patience.
This time it is Holy Mary.

czwartek, 6 grudnia 2012

This time it was a Dakka Dakka night. I wanted to paint the pilot and make the plane worthy a mega battle  event planned the next day at a local hobby shop. It ended up a 6 hours session up until 4:00 AM. Totally worth it. Plane still has a way to go - details, chipping, panel lines, filters, you name it. Nevertheless, it looks just great.

Metallic parts are painted with Mr. Metal Color Stainless over gloss black basecoat. It is a "buff type" metalizer, meaning it needs to be buffed with soft fabric to achieve smooth metallic sheen. The effect is totally worth it. Pieces are already shaded where buff cannot reach surface in crevices. The metallic illusion is perfect. Afterwards it is worthwhile to mask and shade part with filters. I done that with exhaust pipes.

Cockpit and pilot skintone was given a turquoise resembling soviet block aircraft interior colors.

Skintone base was 1:1 mix of P3 Arcane Blue and Citadel Hawk Turquoise. Highlighted by adding P3 Underbelly Blue and shaded with Hawk then P3 Murderous Magenta.

Cockpit was a 1:1 mix of Snot Green and Hawk, highlighted again with Underbelly and shaded with straight Turquoise.

Model looks viciously cool to me. Definitely will have to go back and build Bommer variant, this time with serious conversions.